Festival Trains for Puri Santragachhi Chennai Central Kolata many more new trains

As per East Coast Railway Press Released Following Pooja Special, Festival Trains .

Santragachhi-Chennai Central-Santragachhi Special Fare

02841 Santragachhi-Chennai Central Special fare Special train will leave Santragachhi at 1240hrs o­n every Sunday between 24thSeptember to 26thNovember, 2017 and will reach Chennai Central at 1520hrs o­n the next days. In the return direction, 02842 Chennai-Central-Santragachhi  Special fare  Special will leave Chennai Central at 1820hrs o­n every Monday between 25thSeptember to 27thNovember, 2017 and will reach Santragachhi at 2330hrs o­n the following days.

Puri-Santragachhi-Puri  Special Fare

08403 Puri-Santragachhi  Special fare  Special train will leave Puri at 2125hrs o­n every Friday between 6thOctober to 29thDecember, 2017 and will reach Santragachhi at 0645hrs o­n the next days. In the return direction, 08404 Santragachhi-Puri  Special fare  Special will leave Santragachhi at 1910hrs o­n every Saturday between 7thOctober to 30thDecember, 2017 and will reach Puri at 0400hrs o­n the following days.


08301 Sambalpur-Banaswadai  Special fare  Special train will leaveSambalpurat0930hrson everyWednesdaybetween4thOctoberto27thDecember, 2017 and will reachBanaswadiat1640hrson the next days. In the return direction,08302 Banaswadi-Sambalpur  Special fare  Special will leaveBanaswadiat0030hrson everyFriday(Midnight of Thursday) between6thOctober to 29thDecember, 2017 and will reachSambalpurat0635hrson the following days.


08512 Visakhapatnam-Jagadalpur  Special train will leaveVisakhapatnamat2215hrsdaily between1stOctoberto30thDecember, 2017 and will reachJagadalpurat0605hrson the next days. In the return direction,08511 Jagadalpur-Visakhapatnam  Special will leaveJagadalpur at 19:30 hrs daily between2ndOctober to 31stDecember, 2017 and will reachVisakhapatnamat0300hrson the following days.


08407 Puri-Kolkata  Special fare  Special train will leavePuriat2125hrson everyWednesdaybetween13thSeptemberto27thSeptember, 2017 and will reachKolkataat0845hrs on the next days. In the return direction,08408 Kolkata-Puri  Special fare  Special will leaveKolkataat1835hrs on every Thursday between 14th September to 28th September, 2017 and will reach Puri at 0500 hrs on the following days.


08091 Bhanjapur-Puri  Special will leave Bhanjapur at 2350 hrs on every Friday between 6th October to 24th November, 2017 and will reachPuriat0630hrson the next days. In the return direction, 08092 Puri-Bhanjapur  Special will leave Puri at 22:45 hrs on every Saturday between 7th October to 25th November, 2017 and will reach Bhanjapur at 04:45 hrs on the following days.

Sealdah-Puri-Sealdah  Special Fare  Special

03101 Sealdah-Puri Special fare  Special train will leave Sealdah at 12:15 hrs on every Sunday between 1st October to 15th October, 2017 and will reach Puri at 22:15 hrs on same days. In the return direction, 03102 Puri-Sealdah Special fare  Special will leavePuriat2345hrson everySundaybetween1stOctober to 15thOctober, 2017 and will reachSealdahat0930hrson the following days.

Santragachhi-Puri-Santragachhi Special Fare Special

02809 Santragachhi-Puri Special fare Special train will leaveSantragachhiat1900hrson everyThursdaybetween5thOctoberto30thNovember, 2017 and will reachPuriat0320hrson the next days. In the return direction, 02810 Puri-Santragachhi Special fare Special will leave Puri at 13:30 hrs on everyFridaybetween6thOctober to 24thNovember, 2017 and will reachSantragachhiat2215hrson the same day.

Kacheguda-Tata Special via Kendujhargarh

07438 Kacheguda-Tata Special will leaveKachegudaat1300hrson everyMondaybetween2ndOctoberto27thNovember, 2017 and will reachTataat1945hrson the following days. In the return direction, 07439 Tata-Kacheguda Special will leave at 2250 hrs on every Tuesday between 3rd October to 28thNovember, 2017 and will reachKachegudaat0500hrson Thursdays.

Tata-Visakhapatnam Special Via Jakhapura & Kendujhargarh

08189 Tata-Visakhapatnam Special fare Special will leave at 1300 hrs on every Friday between 6th October to 24th November, 2017 and will reach Visakhapatnam at 0525 hrs on the following days. In the return direction, 08190 Visakhapatnam-Tata Special fare Special will leave Visakhapatnam at 1745 hrs on every Saturday between 7th October to 25th November, 2017 and will reachTataat1045hrson next days.

Apart from these, some weekly Special trains are also originating from Visakhapatnam to Tirupati & Secunderabad till the last week of November, 2017.

Festival Trains for Puri Santragachhi Chennai Central Kolata many more new trains

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