Todays Cancelled trains list available here 25th Dec 2015 Below is the list of Cancelled Trains on 25th December 2015. Passenger need to take note before start journey. For more confirmation please dial 139 Visit for check train Current Status
Today Rescheduled Trains list 8th November 2015
Today Rescheduled Trains list 8th November 2015 Below is the list of Reschedule train running by Indian railway. Train No Train name Start date Rescheduled by time 03511 ASN-PNBE SPL 8 Nov 07:15 3 hrs 10:15 04403 LKO-ANVT EXP SPECIAL
14 AC weekly special trains between Pune and Hazrat NM
14 AC weekly special trains between Pune and Hazrat NM The details are as under: 04417 AC weekly special will leave Pune at 05.15 hrs on every Sunday from 18.10.2015 to 29.11.2015 (7 trips) and arrive Hazrat Nizamuddin at 05.35
Train Cancel Due to falling Khokhra Road Bridge on track
Train Cancel Due to falling Khokhra Road Bridge on track Diverted Trains Train No. 16587 Yashwantpur-Bikaner Express (Jounery commenced on 2/10/15) will be diverted via Vadodara-Godhra-Ratlam-Chanderia-Ajmer. Train No. 18421 Puri –Ajmer (Journey commenced on 1/10/15) will be diverted via Anand-Godhra-Ratlam-Chanderia.
CCTV Cameras in Ladies Coaches of Suburban Trains-CR
CCTV Cameras in Ladies Coaches of Suburban Trains-CR Central Railway has installed CCTV cameras with recorders in all Ladies compartments of one Mail Line Suburban train on trial basis. This suburban train will be introduced in service from 2.10.2015. The
Railways has decided to provide commercial stoppages

Railways has decided to provide commercial stoppages The Ministry of Railways has decided to provide commercial stoppages for the following Duranto Express trains from the journey commencing on (JCO) from originating station mentioned against the train. Reservation: Bookings in all
12723 Hyderabad-New Delhi AP Express rescheduled
12723 Hyderabad-New Delhi AP Express rescheduled Train No.12723 Hyderabad-New Delhi AP Express, scheduled to depart Hyderabad Station at 06:25 am tomorrow i.e., 12th May, 2015, is re-scheduled to depart at 10:25 am on the same day due to late running of its pairing