Diverted Trains List available Here 29 January Todays all Diverted Trains list available Here, Passenger need to take note. Foe more information Visit Railway Inquiry Website. Train No Train name Diverted from to 11030 KOYNA EXPRESS TNA DR 12126 PRAGATI
Today’s Diverted Trains List available here 1 October
Today’s Diverted Trains List available here 1 October Below is the list of diverted trains by Indian Railway on 1 October 2017. Passenger need to Take Note. Train No Train name Diverted from to 12074 BBS-HWH JAN SHATABDI BBS JJKR
Trains Diverted Today on 28th Sep by Indian Railway
Trains Diverted Today on 28th Sep by Indian Railway Below is the list of trains Diverted today. Passenger get more confirmation from Dial 139. Train No Train name Diverted from to 12278 PURI-HWH SHATABDI EXP. BBS JJKR 12495 BKN KOAA
Trains Diverted Today on 26th September list available
Trains Diverted Today on 26th September list available Below is the list of Trains diverted by Indian railway on 20th Sep Sunday. Passengers need to take note and Get more confirmation from dial 139. Today’s Untraveled Stations Trains list available
List of Diverted trains on 25th September 2017
List of Diverted trains on 25th September 2015 Below is the list of trains diverted by Indian railway on 25th Sep. Passenger need to take note before start journey in this trains. For more conformation or details pleases dial 139
Todays List of all Diverted Trains available here 24th August
Todays List of all Diverted Trains available here 24th August Passengers Please attention here, Below are the list of trains diverted by Indian railways. More details Dial 139 or visit nearest Railway Station. In case train diverted from your Boarding
Today’s Diverted trains list available here 15th April
Today’s Diverted trains list available here 15th April More then 5 Trains diverted today. Passenger need to take not dial 139 for more details. Train No Train name Diverted from to 11026 PUNE-BSL EXPRESS PUNE MMR 12420 GOMTI EXPRESS NDLS
avadh express 19038 diverted on 22nd May 2015
avadh express 19038 diverted on 22nd May 2015 Avadh express 19038 train is diverted between TUNDLA JN [TDL] and KOTA JN [KOTA] stations. Below is the untraveled station of train 19038 starting from gorakhpur on 22nd May 2015 Station Sch
Railway diverted 12313 Sealdah rajdhani express 8 May 15

Railway diverted 12313 Sealdah rajdhani express 8 May 15 This train is diverted between Asansol Junction [ASN] and Mughal Sarai Junction [MGS] stations. Below is the list of untravelled stations of train 12313 starting sealdah on 8th may 2015. Station
13007 train diverted between howrah-barddhaman
13007 train diverted between howrah-barddhaman Untraveled station of train 13007 starting Howrah Junction on 13rd April 2014 This train is diverted between HOWRAH JN [HWH] and BARDDHAMAN [BWN] stations Station Sch Arr Sch Dep KM 1 BANDEL JN(BDC) 10:32 10:37 40