new special and premium trains announced south railway Special train from Chennai Egmore to Tirunelveli Train No.06038 Chennai Egmore – Tirunelveli special train will leave Chennai Egmore at 20.20 hrs. on 28.05.2015 and reach Tirunelveli at 09.45 hrs. the next
New Special Trains between Hyderabad – Kakinada Port

New Special Trains between Hyderabad – Kakinada Port Accordingly, Train No. 07053 Hyderabad – Kakinada Port special train will depart Hyderabad at 23:25 hrs on 22ndMay, 2015 (Friday) depart Secunderabad at 23:55 hrs and arrive Kakinada Port at 11:20
Special trains between Tirunelveli – Chennai Egmore – Tirunelveli
Special trains between Tirunelveli – Chennai Egmore – Tirunelveli Train No.06017 Tirunelveli – Chennai Egmore special train (via.Chord line) will leave Tirunelveli at 22.55 hrs. on 02.05.2015 (Saturday) and arrive Chennai Egmore at 11.55 hrs. the next day. Train No.06018
special trains chennai madurai 06011/06012/06013/06014

special trains chennai madurai 06011/06012/06013/06014 1). Special trains between Chennai Central – Madurai (via.Salem, Namakkal) Train No.06011 Chennai Central – Madurai special train will leave Chennai Central at 22.30 hrs. on 16.04.2015 and reach Madurai at 08.45 hrs. the next
New special trains 02171/02172,01001/01002, 01089/01090

New special trains 02171/02172,01001/01002, 01089/01090 Central Railway will run special trains between Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus and Shri Vaishno Devi Katra / Madgaon to clear the extra rush of passengers during the long weekend. The details are as under: A) CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI
06545 yesvantpur to rameswaram special train

06545 yesvantpur to rameswaram special train यशवंतपुर से रामेश्वरम के लिए विशेष ट्रेन Runs from source: Sunday Valid from 12th April 2015 (subject to further announcements) Station Day Sch Arr Sch Dep Km YASVANTPUR JN(YPR) 1 08:30 0 KRISHNARAJAPURM(KJM) 1
04409 Barauni New Delhi Express Special Train

04409 Barauni New Delhi Express Special Train ०४४०९ बरौनी से नई दिल्ली एक्सप्रेस स्पेशल ट्रेन Runs from source: Sunday, Thu Valid from 12th April till 28th June 2015 (subject to further announcements) Station Day Sch Arr Sch Dep Km BARAUNI
New Train 01153 Chalisgaon Mumbai Special

नई ट्रैन ०११५३ चाळीसगाओं मुंबई स्पेशल New Train 01153 Chalisgaon Mumbai Special Runs from source: Tue Valid from 7th April to 30th June 2015 (subject to further announcements) Station Day Sch Arr Sch Dep Km CHALISGAON JN(CSN) 1 07:45 0
New Train 01150 Chalisgaon Bhusaval Special Train

New Train 01150 Chalisgaon Bhusaval Special Train नई ट्रैन ०११५० चाळीसगाओं भुसावल स्पेशल ट्रैन Runs from source: Tue Valid from 7th April to 30th June 2015 (subject to further announcements) Station Day Sch Arr Sch Dep Km CHALISGAON JN(CSN) 1
New Train 04923 Lucknow Nangal Dam Superfast Special

नई ट्रैन ०४९२३ लखनऊ नांगल डैम सुपरफास्ट स्पेशल New Train 04923 Lucknow Nangal Dam Superfast Special Valid from 7th April to 30th June 2015 (subject to further announcements) Runs from source: Tue Station Day Schedule Km. Arr Dep LUCKNOW(LKO) 1