Today’s Train Cancelled list on 4th September available Below is the list of trains Not running from source to destination on 4th September 2015. Passenger May Get more details by Dial 139 Railway Enquiry Number. Train No Train name Start date
New Train 05039 Gorakhpur – Anand Vihar Special
New Train 05039 Gorakhpur – Anand Vihar Special गोरखपुर-आनंद विहार विशेष Runs from source: Sun, Tue, Thu Valid from 3rd Sep to 28th September 2015 (subject to further announcements) 5 halts. 123 intermediate Stations between Gorakhpur Junction and Anand Vihar
Chennai-Jaipur train derailed while entering the platform
Chennai-Jaipur train derailed while entering the platform “The engine of Chennai-Jaipur train derailed while entering the platform at the station. Two wheels jumped the track and the track was restored in nearly half an hour,” a GRP official said. Read
New Train 04902 Bareilly Sitapur City Special Unreserved
New Train 04902 Bareilly Sitapur City Special Unreserved नई ट्रैन ०४९०२ बरेली सीतापुर सिटी स्पेशल (अनारक्षित) Runs from source: Tue,Thu,Sat Valid from 2nd Sep to 29th September 2015 (subject to further announcements) 9 halts. 36 intermediate Stations between Bareilly Junction
Todays Late running/Rescheduled Trains List available
Todays Late running/Rescheduled Trains List available 3rd September Below is the list of trains rescheduled by Indian railway on 3rd Sep 2015. Passenger need to take note before start journey in this trains. Last column indicates the rescheduled timing of
Trains Cancel/Diversion Due to Blocks at Palwal Yard
Trains Cancel/Diversion Due to Blocks at Palwal Yard Cancellation/Diversion of Trains On Account Of Power & Traffic Blocks And Non-Interlocking Work At Palwal Yard In Delhi Division Of Northern Railway The following Trains are Cancelled/Diverted on account of Power and
144 people lost their lives on the railway tracks in 2014
144 people lost their lives on the railway tracks in 2014 GRP Patiala, a total of 144 people lost their lives on the railway tracks in 2014 after being crushed by trains or committing suicide. Out of them, 105 people
Kathgodam railway station is all set to be Wi-Fi
Kathgodam railway station is all set to be Wi-Fi Rajiv Mishra, general manager, North-East Railway, said, “Wi-Fi services will be enabled at this station till December. For a long time, demands for direct and link trains to south India and
02654 bangalore Cantt.-Patna Superfast express Special
02654 bangalore Cantt.-Patna Superfast express Special East Central Railway has decided to run One Way Superfast express Special between Bangalore Cantt-Patna (Tr. No. 02654) on Sunday, the 24th May, 2015 (Total : 01 trip only) to clear extra rush of
one more AC 3-Tier coach attached with 12495 /12496
one more AC 3-Tier coach attached with 12495 /12496 provide more comfortable journey to the passengers, one more AC 3-Tier coach will be attached with 12495 /12496 Kolkata-Bikaner-Kolkata Pratap Express leaving Kolkata from 3 July and leaving Bikaner from 2