As per the Announcement MBBS Doctor Required Central Railway 75000 Salary post 14 सेंट्रल रेलवे में एमबीबीएस डॉक्टर की कॉन्ट्रैक्ट बेस पर जरूरत है कुल मिलाकर 14 पोस्ट है पगार 75000 रुपए हर महीने कॉन्ट्रैक्ट पीरियड 1 जुलाई से 31
Western Railway apprentices result declared RRB recruitment 2018-19
Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC), Western Railway, Mumbai has given a notification for the recruitment of Apprentice vacancies against the 3553 slots notified for training in the designated Trades under Apprentice Act 1961 at various Divisions, Workshops within the jurisdiction of Western