82 Trains Cancelled Due to Fog 17th January Some Fully Cancelled Trains numbers (also available in the below list) : 12370,11410, 11651 etc. 11124 BJU- GWL MAIL BARAUNI JN (BJU) – GWALIOR JN. (GWL) MEX 18:45 11409 PUNE-NZB DMU DAUND JN (DD)
Todays All Cancel Trains list available 10 Jan
Todays All Cancel Trains list available 10 Jan Below are the list of Fully Cancelled Trains by Indian Railway Due to Many Reasons mainly due to Fog. Passengers need to take note. For any more details Dial 139 Railway Customer
List of trains Running Late rescheduled by IR on 7th Feb 2017
List of trains Running Late rescheduled by IR on 7th Feb 2017 Many Trains running late including VIP Trains, Passenger need to take note. Train No Train name Start date Rescheduled by time 02124 AJNI-PUNE-SPL 7 Feb 19:50 3 hrs
Todays partially cancel trains list start Date 5th July 2015

Todays partially cancel trains list start Date 5th July 2015 Below is the list of trains which is not Not running in a part of route. Passenger need to take note before start journey in this trains. In the last
14611 GKP ASR Express running 3 Hours Late Due to Fog
14611 GKP ASR Express running 3 Hours Late Due to Fog Station Schedule ETA/ ATA Delay ETD/ ATD Delay Arr Dep GORAKHPUR(GKP) 10:35 13:35* 3 hrs KHALILABAD(KLD) 11:13 11:15 14:13* 3 hrs* 14:15* 3 hrs* BASTI(BST) 11:40 11:45 14:40* 3
12438,12716,12511,12724,12616 and many running late due to foggy weather
12438,12716,12511,12724,12616 and many running late due to foggy weather The Running Status of the following trains which are either terminating or passing through South Central Railway as on today ie., 19th January, 2015 at 04:00 pm is as follows. (The
Due to Fog following Trains are Fully Cancelled Today
Due to Fog following Trains are Fully Cancelled Today Fully Cancelled Train numbers: 04921,04922,11124,12037,12370, 12874,13120,13258,14006,14043,14044,14115,14211,14212,14265, 14266,14310,14323,14324,14521,14522,14525,15204,15483,15484, 19612,31226,51831,51881,51882,51971,51972,54101,54105,54106, 54109,54110,54225,54226,54253,54254,54263,54266,54268,54282, 54283,54294,54301,54314,54323,54324,54371,54372,54481,54484, 54485,54765,54766,55042,55069,55070,55119,55120,55127,55128, 55159,55160,55167,55168,55170,55206,64207,64232,64271,64951, 64952,71901,71902,74641,74647,74648,74672,74675,74911,74920, 74932,74939,74981,74984,75001,75006. Train No Train name Source Destination 04921 SRE-UMB MEMU SPECIAL SAHARANPUR SRE AMBALA CANT JN UMB
19 Hours Late 12550 JAT DURG Superfast Exp due to Fog
19 Hours Late 12550 JAT DURG Superfast Exp due to Fog Last updated: 27 Dec 2014 1:13 Station ETA/ ATA Delay ETD/ ATD Delay Dist 1. JAMMU TAWI(JAT) 21:20 16:20 hrs 0 2. PATHANKOT CANTT(PTKC) 00:06 17:31 hrs 00:10 17:30
Shridham Super Fast Express up to 20 Hours Late Due to Fog
Shridham Super Fast Express up to 20 Hours Late Due to Fog Train Number 12191 Shridham Super Fast Express Updated Upto 25th Dec 16.53. 1. NEW DELHI(NDLS) 03:45 13:40 hrs 2. HAZRAT NIZAMUDDIN(NZM) 13:51 hrs 04:12 13:51 hrs 3.