Today’s Diverted Trains list available 10th Oct 2015 Below is the list of trains diverted by Indian railway on 10th October 2015. Passenger need to take note before start journey in this below trains. For More Dial 139. Train No
08502 Secunderabad Visakhapatnam Special Train

08502 Secunderabad Visakhapatnam Special Train नई ट्रैन ०७३२३ चेन्नई हुबली द्विपक्षीय साप्ताहिक स्पेशल Runs from source: Wednesday Valid from 8th April to 1st July 2015 (subject to further announcements) Station Day Sch Km Arr Dep 1. SECUNDERABAD JN(SC) 1 16:30
08301/08302, 08501/02, 02873/874 Summer Special Trains
08301/08302, 08501/02, 02873/874 Summer Special Trains 08301 Sambalpur-Yesvantpur Special train will leave Sambalpur at 0850hrs on everyWednesday between 1st April to 24th June 2015 and will arrive at Yesvanpur at 1630hrs on the next days. In the return direction, 08302 Yesvantpur-Sambalpur Special train will leave Yesvantpur at 0030hrs on
02873/02874/08501/08502 Special Trains are Extended
02873/02874/08501/08502 Special Trains are Extended East Coast Railway has decided to extend the services of Visakhapatnam-Tirupati Special and Visakhapatnam-Secunderabad Special trains up to last week of March 2015. A large number of berths are available in these trains and passengers may