Railway diverted 12313 Sealdah rajdhani express 8 May 15
This train is diverted between Asansol Junction [ASN] and Mughal Sarai Junction [MGS] stations.
Below is the list of untravelled stations of train 12313 starting sealdah on 8th may 2015.
Station | Sch Day |
Sch Arr | Sch Dep | Distance (Kms.) |
1 | DHANBAD JN(DHN) | 1 | 20:20 | 20:25 | 275 |
2 | GAYA JN(GAYA) | 1 | 22:52 | 22:55 | 473 |
Railway diverted 12313 Sealdah rajdhani express 8 May 15