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History of Indian Railway in 1909 nineteenth century

History of Indian Railway in 1909 nineteenth century

Currently railway one of the most important part, in somewhere treat like life line.

Very few have knowledge that In 1875, about £95 million (equal to £117 billion in 2012) were invested by British companies in Indian guaranteed railways. It later transpired that there was heavy corruption in these investments (due to this costing almost double)

By 1929, there were 66,000 km (41,000 mi) of railway lines serving most of the districts in the country. At that point of time, the railways represented a capital value of some £687 million, and carried over 620 million passengers and approximately 90 million tons of goods a year. Mostly Companies with British shareholders and whose profits invariably returned to Britain.

Above some lines indicate how railway expend.

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History of Indian Railway in 1909 nineteenth century
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