New Fully Special Trains For Mahashivratri Festival As per the press released on 2nd February by Central Railway decided to run 6 weekend fully reserved special trains on special charges onto clear the extra rush. 1) Train no 02019 Chhatrapati
Central Railway New Year Eve Special Suburban Services
Main Line Special train will depart Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus at 01.30 hrs and arrive Kalyan at 03.00 hrs.Special train will depart Kalyan at 01.30 hrs and arrive Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus at 03.00 hrs. Harbour LineSpecial train will depart
SCR to run 32 additional Sabarimala special trains

In order to clear extra rush of Sabarimala pilgrims, SCR to run 32 additional Sabarimala special trains between various destinations as detailed below: – Sl. No Tr. No From – To Dep Arr Date of Journey December – 2023 January – 2024
02133/02134 Bandra Terminus Jabalpur Superfast Special train on Special fare
For the convenience of passengers and with a view to meet the travel demand, Western Railway has decided to extend the trips of Train No. 02133/02134 Bandra Terminus Jabalpur Superfast Special train on Special fare Train No. 02133 Bandra Terminus
Indian Railways to run uncommon trains on Christmas and New Year
Indian Railways to run uncommon trains on Christmas and New Year The Indian Railways has declared it will work a couple of extraordinary trains around Christmas break and New Year taking into account an expanded surge around the happy season.
Special Train between Howrah and Bhadrak
यात्रियों की सुविधा के लिए, हावड़ा और भद्रक के बीच 1.4.2015 से विशेष ट्रेन चलाने का निर्णय लिया गया है। 08043 Howrah-Bhadrak Special from Howrah will leave at 1540hrs and will reach at Bhadrak at 2235hrs w.e.f. 9th November, 2021.
Restoration and Extension of Run of Special trains
Restoration and Extension of Run of Special trains 01251 and 02119 and 02153 and 01311 and 01223 रेलवे ने विशेष ट्रेनों की सेवाओं को बहाल करने और निम्नलिखित विशेष ट्रेनों के संचालन को नीचे दिए गए विवरण के अनुसार बढ़ाने
Mumbai to Pune Deccan Express special from 26th June 2021
Mumbai to Pune Deccan Express special from 26th June 2021 Passengers can enjoy unhindered views of river, valley, waterfalls, etc. on Mumbai-Pune route रेलवे ने मुंबई-पुणे डेक्कन एक्सप्रेस स्पेशल ट्रेन की सेवाएं 26.06.2021 से बहाल करने का फैसला किया है।
special trains on special charges between Mumbai and Kanpur Central
Special trains on special charges between Mumbai and Kanpur Central As per press Released by Central Railways have decided to run fully reserved superfast special trains on special charges between Mumbai and Kanpur Central to clear the extra rush of
Pune-Gorakhpur Special Train 01425 Down 01426
Pune-Gorakhpur Special Train 01425 Down 01426 As per Press Released by Central Railway New Special Train started more details are given below: 01425 special will leave Pune at 22.00 hrs on 11.4.2021 and arrive Gorakhpur at 06.35 hrs on third