All Holi Special Trains list available here Booking Started सभी होली विशेष ट्रेनें सूची यहाँ उपलब्ध बुकिंग शुरू Below is the list of Special, Suvidha Special (Special Fare),Holiday Special Trains list Started From March. In this list Many trains Runs
05285/05286 Barauni- Ajmer- Barauni Urs special

For the convenience of pilgrims attending Saalana Urs of Khwaja Garib Nawaz at Ajmer Shareef, Railways have decided to run one pair of special train no. 05285/05286 Barauni- Ajmer- Barauni Urs special train as per the following programme:- 05285 Barauni-
Sitala and Manasa Mela between Madpur and Jakpur
Sitala and Manasa Mela between Madpur and Jakpur For the convenience of pilgrims and passengers intending to attend the Sitala & Manasa Mela between Madpur and Jakpur, South Eastern Railway has decided to provide additional stoppages of the following Up
special trains between Bandra Terminus & Bhuj stations
Train No.09031 Bandra (T)-Bhuj Express will depart from Bandra(T) at 23.45 hrs on 05thNovember,2014 and will arrive Bhuj at 15.40 hrs next day.. Similarly, train no 09032 Bhuj-Bandra(T) Express will depart from Bhuj at 17.50 hrs on 06thNovember,2014 and will
Eastern railway To Run Emu Special Train For ‘Raas Purnima Mela’
Eastern railway To Run Emu Special Train For ‘Raas Purnima Mela’ The rush of passengers /devotees to Nabadwipdham and Dainhat on the occasion of ‘Raas Purnima Mela’ , Eastern Railway’s Howrah division will run one pair of EMU Special Train
Premium Superfast Express Special between Yesvantpur-Jayanagar-Yesvantpur
Train No.02697 YESVANTPUR-JAYANAGAR PREMIUM SUPERFAST WEEKLY EXPRESS SPECIAL will depart at YESVANTPUR at 20-45 hrs. onTuesdays i.e. on 21st & 28th Oct.2014 (02 Specials Only) and arrive at JAYANAGAR station at 23-30 hrs. on Thursdays. En route, the Superfast Premium
Weekly Premium Superfast Special Express Train No 02679/02680 between Yeshvantpur and Sri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra
02679/02680 Yeshvantpur-Sri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra-YeshvantpurWeekly Superfast Premium Special Express Train The 02679 Yeshvantpur-Sri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra Weekly Superfast Premium special express train will depart from Yeshvantpur on every Saturday 18.10.14 & 25.10.2014 (02 trip) at 11.30 a.m. to
Railways has decided to extend the run of Special Trains No. 02067/02132
In order to clear the extra rush of rail passengers, Railways has decided to extend the run of Special Trains. 02067/02132 LOKMANYA TILAK TERMINAL-VARANASI- LOKMANYA TILAK TERMINALPREMIUM SPECIAL In its extended run , the 02067 Lokmanya Tilak Terminal-Varanasi Premium Special
Puja/ Dashahara/ Diwali festival season-2014, Northern Railways have decided to run festival special
To clear extra rush of rail passengers during Puja/ Dashahara/ Diwali festival season-2014, Northern Railways have decided to run festival special E.M.U. train no. 04436/04435 Ghaziabad- Aligarh- Ghaziabad (11 trips in each direction on daily basis) as per the following