AC Double Decker Trains between Kacheguda-Vijayawada

SCR will run two AC Double Decker special trains between Kacheguda-Vijayawada as per the following schedule:-

Accordingly, train No. 02118 Kacheguda-Vijayawada AC Double Decker Special Train will depart Kacheguda at 06:45 hrs o­n 11th May, 2015 (Monday) and arrive Vijayawada at 13:10 hrs o­n the same day.

In the return direction, train No. 02117 Vijayawada- Kacheguda AC Double Decker Special Train will depart Vijayawada at 14:45 hrs o­n 11th May, 2015 (Monday) and arrive Kacheguda at 21:10 hrs o­n the same day.

Enroute, this special train will stop at Malkajgiri, Bhongir, Jangaon, Kazipet, Warangal, Mahbubabad, Dornakal, Khammam and Madhira stations in both directions.  This train will have ten AC coaches and two power generator cars.

Press Release

AC Double Decker Trains between Kacheguda-Vijayawada
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