02853/24 Suvidha Special Trains between Howrah and Ern
South Eastern Railway is running Suvidha Special Trains between Howrah and Ernakulam (No. 02853/02854) and the first Suvidha Special train left Howrah on 1st August, 2015 for Ernakulam covering a distance of 2294 kms in 37 hours. The train was well patronized with 81.30 % occupancy. Railway realized an earning of Rs. 18.21 lakhs from ticket sale by running the first Suvidha Special train between Howrah and Ernakulam which is Rs. 4.65 lakhs more in comparison to a regular superfast train with same composition and full occupancy in the same route.
The next Suvidha Special train (No 02853) will leave Howrah for Ernakulam on 8th August, 2015 and berths are still available in all the classes i.e. AC-2 tier, AC-3 tier and Sleeper Class. The 3rd Suvidha Special train between Howrah and Ernakulam will leave Howrah on 22nd August, 2015.
In the return direction, the train (No. 02854) will leave Ernakulam for Howrah on 4th, 11th and 25th August, 2015.